It was my great pleasure to host Keira, her husband Jay and six friends on a workshop in Higashiyama on Tuesday.

They took a break from following the rugby world cup to spend an afternoon exploring Kyoto, and despite having visited Kyoto before, still managed to see a host of things for the first time.

We spent the best part of an hour at the stunning garden at Heian Shrine.

Taking a break to feed the fish....

Next stop: Chion-in.

Chion-in is back to full splendour after the removal of the scaffolding and it's ten-year restoration....

....and the 70-ton bronze bell never fails to impress.

A brief stop at Anyoji....

....before arriving at the 500-ton Buddha at Ryozan Kannon. Dangerous clouds were closing in, a sign of the typhoon in the Japan Sea.

Planting incense sticks.

A final group shot before heading through Gion to our final stop for the day - the Pig & Whistle in Sanjo for a couple of well-deserved pints!
Thank you guys for braving the 33C temperatures and crushing humidity. It was a pleasure to be a part of your group for the day.
For more information on my photography workshops please visit the worlshops page here
or send me a message at