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Stuart Gibson
Oct 28, 2019
Kyoto Photo of the Day: The Driver
The Kosei line runs from Kyoto up the West side of Lake Biwa and tends to feature this older, more basic style of train, even though some...

Stuart Gibson
Oct 27, 2019
Kyoto photography: Uneasy Rider!
Was very surprised to see this jalopy outside a small temple on a Kyoto sidestreet. For information on my photography tours please visit...

Stuart Gibson
Oct 24, 2019
Just Killing Time
On the Karasuma Line under the streets of Kyoto. Everyone enjoys killing time in their own way - for me it's taking photos. For...

Stuart Gibson
Oct 23, 2019
A Warm Welcome Awaits
This lantern signals the entrance to Hayashi Ya (林屋), a local eatery two minutes from Otsu station. It offers a surprisingly varied menu...

Stuart Gibson
Oct 22, 2019
Lilliputian in Kyoto
For information on my photography tours please visit the tours page or send me a message at You can...

Stuart Gibson
Oct 21, 2019
Back to Back
"What's the best camera?" - "The one you have with you." For information on my photography tours please visit the tours page or...

Stuart Gibson
Oct 20, 2019
The Commuter
After six years of constant use I love the Fujifilm x100s more than ever. It's small, unintimidating and looks sheer class. I reckon it...

Stuart Gibson
Oct 14, 2019
Daily Photo: A Thousand Lenses
Kyoto tower visible in raindrops on my umbrella.

Stuart Gibson
Oct 6, 2019
Daily Photo: Nagara Shrine
In the year 1054 this shrine was moved from the top of Nagara Mountain to its current location in Otsu so that the common people could ...

Stuart Gibson
Oct 5, 2019
Checking the lure
Getting up at / or before dawn I see how many people get up and out early in the morning. My morning walks have been, and continue to be...

Stuart Gibson
Oct 4, 2019
Skylight at Otani Honbyo
My first Daily Photo for a while was taken at Otani Honbyo last week. I found this skylight in a seemingly unused room.

Stuart Gibson
Apr 9, 2019
2nd Place Winner! Hikone Photo Contest!
I submitted this image taken last April into the annual Hikone photo contest. The first contest I've ever entered so very encouraged to...

Stuart Gibson
Apr 8, 2019
Lake Biwa Flower Fountain
The Lake Biwa Flower Fountain is a large fountain located on a 180m breakwater in the Otsu Port offing, that sends out streams of 440m...

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